Mail Services

University Mail Services is responsible for distributing intercampus mail and metering outgoing United States Postal Service mail. Incoming U.S. Mail is delivered to each address on campus by the US Postal Service.



Due to many of the buildings on campus being locked, delivery and pickup services may be interrupted. Please reach out to for guidance in obtaining your shipments from Central Receiving.


WORKDAY - Mail Services

The new UPS ShipExec system will work during and after the transition to WorkDay.

PO Returns and Stores Inventory Returns are now required to be completed in Workday.  A return authorization number should be included with each request. View the Supplier Return Job Aid.

Pickup requests for Toner Recycle, Gas Cylinder and FedEx/UPS will continue to be submitted through the Central Receiving website.

Questions?  Please email Central Receiving for assistance. 

Workday Updates- All Mail Services Updates and Resources

Links for reference:

Meter Mail Request

FDM & Worktags Overview

Chartfield to FDM Translation Tool


Required Worktags for Mail, UPS and FedEx:

The new minimum required Worktags for all mailings and shipments will be Cost Center, Fund, and Balancing Unit.

  • Example: CC11692.FD100.BL1163.
  • Full Order: Cost Center, Fund, Balancing Unit, Grant, Project, Program, Gift, Activities, Assignee, Location 
    *Note:  The Account worktag, will now be automated according to the Mail/Shipment class is not necessary to include with Workday worktags.

UPS ShipExec Updates

  • ShipExec fields are listed as Cost Center, Fund, Balancing Unit, Grant, Program and Additional Worktags
    • Additional Worktags (Project, Gift, Activities, Assignee, Location)
      • Separate multiple additional Worktags with a period ”.” - i.e. - PG106108.AE101400


  • All mailings now require a completed Meter Mail Request to be submitted with the mail. Please ensure to submit the Meter Mail Request so the worktags can be validated
  • UniPrint Envelopes
    • Uniprint has now added the option of having your Worktags printed on their products.
      • Please validate your Worktags are valid using the Meter Mail Request before submitting your order.
    • If you still have envelopes with the PeopleSoft chartfields, you may still use them by including a Meter Mail Request with the FDM Worktags.

*Note: Any mailings/shipments sent without a completed Meter Mail Request will be delayed.


I want to...


Notes for Campus Mail drop boxes

  • Effective 11/21/22, UPS drop boxes have been removed from service across campus.  Outgoing UPS, FedEx, Metered Mail, Campus Mail, and USPS may be placed inside the white Campus Mail drop boxes located conveniently across campus.  Please note that service times may have changed for individual drop boxes.


FedEx Shipping


OSU FedEx Account Access Instructions

Before gaining access to the ShipExec system you must:


Other Resources

UPS Shipping


UPS ShipExec Access Instructions

Before gaining access to the ShipExec system you must:


Other Resources

UPS Contacts

  • General UPS questions/Tracking/Missing Packages/etc: 1-800-742-5877 (1-800-PICK-UPS)
  • UPS Dry Ice and Hazardous Material Questions: 1-800-554-9964
  • Order UPS Shipping Supplies

​USPS Outgoing Mail 

U.S mail is collected throughout the day by Ohio State delivery drivers in building mail rooms and University Mail Services mail boxes located throughout campus.  University mail boxes are picked up twice daily, 1:30pm and 4:30 pm Monday – Friday. All mail must be in an Ohio State mail box by 4:30 to be sent same day.

  • Meter Mail Request – To send an item through the United States Postal Service, select the report, Meter Mail Request and fill out all appropriate information on the form. Please print and attach the created form to the items you are sending.
  • Mail Reporting Link – Customers can view mail services charges to their specific ORGs.

Service to Residence Halls

University Mail Services does NOT deliver personal shipments or mail to residence halls. These items are delivered directly by the carrier, UPS, Fed Ex, USPS, etc. Please contact University Housing for questions, 614-292-9622 or email

Inter-Campus Mail

Columbus campus

Inter-campus mail is collected daily by OSU delivery staff and delivered same or next business day. There are two types of inter-campus mail:

  • Mail addressed to an individual: This mail should be in campus envelopes or folded to business envelope size and marked campus mail. Identify the mail with the individual’s complete campus address: name, department, building and room number.
  • Mass distribution: Official announcements or notices for mail distribution to all departments, faculty, and staff. Mass distributions should be coordinated through OSU Addressing Services at Uniprint.

Regional campuses

All inter-campus mail addressed to regional campuses is held in UMS for pick up by staff from the regional campuses.



May 2, 2024


Due to many of the buildings on campus being locked, delivery services may be interrupted. Please contact for guidance in obtaining your shipments.

Contact Receiving and Mail