Financial Training

We provide relevant, current training on the university’s financial policies, procedures, systems to interested employees. The university uses Workday as our financials system and associated processes. Additional learning will be developed to address gaps and areas requiring further attention. If you're not sure where to begin or need to find additional information, view our Frequently Asked Questions.

Accomodation Requests: If you are registered for any event or on a waitlist for an event and require an accomodation such as live captioning or interpretation to participate, please contact Requests should be made at least two weeks prior to the event, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.


Auditor of State New Required Fraud Training

Ohio Senate Bill 91 recently amended Ohio Rev. Code 4113.52 to require all state employees, with few exceptions, to report alleged fraud, theft in office or misuse or misappropriation of public money to the state. House Bill 33 then amended Ohio Rev. Code 117.103 to require all state employees, which includes public university employees, to complete training on Ohio’s fraud-reporting system as directed by Ohio’s Auditor of State.

  • All current Ohio State employees — including all university and medical center faculty, staff (regular, term, temporary, and intermittent), graduate associates and student employees must complete the fraud training in BuckeyeLearn by Oct. 29, 2024, to comply with the new State of Ohio requirement. 

This state-mandated training will be automatically assigned to each employee through their BuckeyeLearn transcript. The BuckeyeLearn training, titled Reporting Fraud, Waste, and Abuse, is available now, which gives employees 30 days to comply with the state-mandated completion deadline of October 29. This online course will be automatically assigned to new employees 1-2 days after their start date and be given 30 days to complete the training. New employees will receive an automated email notifying them that they have been assigned this online course. More assignment information is available on the Common Training Courses ARC page.

Departments can set up a time to host a group meeting where they play the Buckeye Learn Auditor of State Fraud training in front of a larger audience.  The meeting host should print the sign-in sheet and ensure all attendees sign in.  It’s important to fill out the form completely, including name#, to receive credit.  Additionally, each attendee of the meeting must complete an attestation form that they watched the training. Both the Sign-In Sheet and the Attestation forms will need to be sent to

Training by Area

Listing of available trainings broken down by area.  The training inventory provides the following information:

  • Course or curriculum name with link (accessible version, as applicable)
  • A description of the course
  • Security roles the trainings are recommended for 
  • Method of delivery
  • If the training is required or recommended

The training inventory is subject to change when courses are added or edits are made.  Please refer to the last modified date. 

For questions, contact

Last Modified: October 1, 2024